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Tagged Image File Format  |  1989-04-20  |  213KB  |  2544x3300
Labels: book | bulletin board | daily | earth | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane
OCR: Apple A/UX Operating System Prixluct Details Multitasking Text editing and processing trsitiona] UNIX appearance Allows A/LX to support multi. Include ditrelT nroft Other languages an tools are ple prixesses enabling one tbi cqn, pic and relalel ad available From independent application to run many sub grams AISC inc sape the TFJD developers tasks once Network oom- Scripl uwlity Acobe Systerns. System confisuraton munications printing func Inc. for rformating Writert printer. La che AI.X configure: can itself to t automatically te- device tions can place invisibly Apple Laser take behind capabilities advantago running simultaneously any , applicarion t: these tem Progranming (SCCS) Sourre Pue Code Software Control Sys- Gener salled ver Macintosh I1. in J NuBus this slots of reonfigura- in ...